Saturday, December 1, 2007

We the People

My Name is Jerry Odom and I just every day American who thinks its time for a profound change in our system of government on with a little more common sense

I intend to be the first non-political driven, people orientated, goal driven, working class president unlike anything we have seen in a very long time; I seek to run for the office of the President of the United States of America, in the 2008 Presidential election as a independent for independence from the corrupt and infective system of government that we now have. I seek to give the people a choice like they have never had before, one of their own….

We the people make our own choices, that is the birth of every American, and hand down from our father and there fathers sense the inception of our great nation.
But I like many others don’t believe that this American is better than one I grew up in, in fact we are less secure than 20 years ago. We have also lost sight on what really important with education. We are suppose to getter better as nation not worse, would you not agree, we need to protect our nation, because the path we are on one know is not a good one. We are so busy fighting wars aboard, that we are losing the battles right here at home with respect to education, national security, illegal immigration and it appears that clear rational thinking seems to be out the window and to change this path we need a profound change, this change will not come from the usual suspects in our political system, it will only come from someone of pure heart, someone who knows the problems every day Americans have, some like myself, who want to regain what we have lost, I know what the people want because, I am one of those people.

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